eam 失眠== cant slp at all~duno y~keep thk many thg de-- lolx!!
than nvm la
6 am wake start bath !bath cold water!mcb so lan cold!but more jing shen@@hahax
than 6 am more reach there le~reach there i saw fee ppl only i sot diao ~yuan lai all at dai dong fong le== i so late le LOL
than zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz lazy say~when all reached than no bus driver== than tarzzan n weird go ban lan yeng la~hahhax!dfk== be bus driver ~nice nice xD
IN BUS CANT SLP AT ALL MCB i tired sei== pening kepala!~they all dat 4 jam non stop de take pic la GONG GU LA be sohai la also got== n play MJ song ==so lan diao~
nvm lo than i wan hear korea song but so bising sangat than i terus go infront use mic play song through my hp!hahahx!whole bus my love song xD
i now addicted in korea song
if can try hear it ~really nice dance song n lyric n ppl~fucking nice
GD-G DRAGON i love him!`nice style
heartbreaker and breath and more
where you at and wedding dress!my lovely song!
look at me
big bang song
make love haru haru n let me hear your voice and many many
try to get new fresh feel!xD
ok skip--
than reach timesquare~
zz sianz also~hahax at there long long xia go eat le
than go capcom== weird play dat da quan== 159==@@
hahax many ppl shock than me chuen kairu play shot gun~lolx cb my hand wan patah~so heavy xia de~than waiting my honey come kekex got some gam jiong tim kekex
than 1 pm yea FINALLY CAN MEET LE !KEKEX happy happy^^
stil so liang liang~~muakxx muackxx
thna go hang gai~all duwan walk with v == skd be sport light LOL lame la they
than keng keng xia than walk with cindy n mickiez~lolx 3 pm more my leg so tired le==
than 4 pm gather n go genting!
kakx in bus swt swt xD finally i can slp in her huai li LOLX really feel not well suxx my body== so weak== reach genting so cold xia
hand hand with honey like normal couple~^^ but被很多奇怪的眼神看着== dun bother it
than check in lur
me mickiez honey cindy yik ching same room><
than rest a while go down dinner le eat free de== also suxx
nt nice EAT DAO ME 肚子痛 zzzz
than boiling ~a long win hahx me so noob la>< long time no play
than eh~~~go indoor hang gai^^ pak tuo xD
in 1st world like megamall n ecm bcs all kuantan ppl wtf==
hahax meet kayc them xD they 1 gang also~many fren there
than with hny go buy mcd than meet cindy them go yam cha AT OLDTOWN!hahax!~1 big bang ~nice well!like a big family~khui them all gong gu~gua gua so funny!hahahahx!but v all take so less pic!== i so sad N 我这次去旅行的遗憾== no take dao pic with my gang bcs i always not with they
ok my bro!next time v all go again n take more pic~
than bek room slp~too tired n feel not well
next day so late wake==8 am more lolx they 4 am wake eat magee le--
than prepare ready to go outdoor play
take ticket so late== so sorry for dat v r late so sorry...
than in lur~go play pirate ship SIANZ!abt qi gek also no !whole pirate ship is TANAH PUTIH!!!!!!HAHAx
from 4 vs form 3~LOXL also nt enuf slot for v all tanah putih than some kena halau SUXX dat cb ppl...
than START de game==
all keep shout AROUND PPL COME C V PLAY==
battle shout==
than v all sing tanah putih song pahang n negara song== whahaahx! but really fun n funny ^^ tanah putih== many ppl know le== play 1 game 2 gang be famous xD
than walk walk xia SUXX RAIN!!!!!!!!
nia ma cb dulan liao ..i nt yet warm up==
than all go indoor lo..
than v decided play ghost house hahahx rm 18 per person==
haha maximum 8 ppl 1 group than me carmen mickiez penny charls n janize 1 team whahahax funny well than all skd skd><
than start go in le my honey so skd== but i thk just a human be ghost scare wat==
than go inside really scary==
hahax!KEEP RUN!KEEP SHOUT== dat sound effect so kowaii== xia dao me lolx!n wil chase ppl== 冒险 我喜欢!^^
than after dat all 很精神== hahax!warm up dy!xD
than terus go outdoor lur~but also rain again~dulan n disappointed T.T mou yan
than all gt some tired
n my honey feel not well>< than i pui she bek hotel rest le >< kekex beside she take k she ^^ 不知不觉。。
til 7 pm more wake bath n go out for dinner==
but all ate dy lolx
than meet mickiez keke
he take me n carmen go eat sushi king at higland xD FINALLY I CAN EAT A STAEDY THING== happy gt rice eat xD
nice nice but eat bu wan== than v da bao bek lolx
bek khui room(狗窦)hahahahax! they all playing pai than v play kam yun toi!LOLX!!!!!!SO FUNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY wahahx if get a video upload sure so funny!v all so enjoy dat time xD happy have a lot of fun kakax
than 12 am hahax v all take out birthday cake of mickiez give he suprise xD than close light cindy they cum from beside room kakax v all 2gther sing happy birthday song to he== but got security cum diu v ~lolx zzzzzz like wat fight jiang zzz wahhaax
than bek room a while go oldtown lur so cold!~~~~~when nitez==
walk dao there just khui they only but cindy they all absent zzzzzzzzzzzXXXzzzzzzz
skip la~than also gt gong gu with khui them
take some pic kekex
with my gang have a lot of fun^^
than bek hotel==SO COLD SHIT!!!!!!!!CAN MAKE V STOP AT THERE==dat cb tarzan lolx!
go view khui blog gt dat video== when v beking hotel hahahax!
SO FUNNY tarzan fucker!!!!roxx the nitez~==
than bek home send carmen go janize room slp than i bek (狗窦) haha find my gang lolx
THAN GHOST hahax hear from tarzaan sean kairu they 3 go play ghost house hahahax 3 PPL ONLY GO IN than a sean kena let ghost cacth == skd dao瞪着they c hahahaha so funny!
tis is always talk de sianz~than all skd skd say dao ghost==
5 am more == i wna bek slp== lolx all skd dao lan jiang zzzzzzzz
bek home than say go find chicken~== nvm la i lie on bed terus slp
choi they dou sho hahahxtoo tired
than tarzan weird n a long chun yik go find== lolx hear weird say many room is open de 19TH FLOOR (鸡窦)lolx!~hahahax~tarzan dat cb go in c -- c something?!lolx~6 am they go get breakfast at mcd LOLX
than next day last day ==
lolx!nvm la than i fast fast prepare go find my honey kakax
than eam start busy n bad moody xia so FAN!check out wat thg all ask me lan meh-- zzzz
SO FAN-- NEXT TIME DUWAN BE HOST LE than go meet janet they^^ carmen finaly can c them kakax!n take some pic^^
sianz!hahahx nvm la than bek from teksi rm 120 4 ppl go n bek== hahax ok ma~than bek pekeliling wait carmen bro fecth lolx so skd his bro== lolx than at mamak dang eat for lunch hahax~ than carmen bro come le>< like so fierce @@
hahax than carmen bek le><
bu she de >< wuwuw
bek genting talk abt GD big bang with cindy~lolx reach genting
with mickiez play capcom than khui them snooker ~dats all than 4 pm bek le
bek dat time dinner at bukit tinggi!wakao so nice geh 风景~wow~i like it finaly can eat rice le== so long no eat == v all big family eat 2gther 1 big table kekex
咕噜肉 番薯瞄 豆 芙蓉蛋 泰式鸡 铁板豆腐 haha dun dare other seafood!BUT MY FAVOURITE~sad>< cant eat fish ishkkkkkk bcs v poor than eat finish funny le
gua gua wan ban lan yeng pay it b get a video xD
than v all give he money than cal dat waiter wait--
than when start get video hahax
v all shout
than gua gua c dat bil~than he ask HEY who got rm2.70 LOLXXXXXXXZASEI=== HAHAHAX FUNNY!DOU SEI!lan yeng be yu pei== kakax than bek bus all start gong gu than v say ghost again>< eam eam kekx i just say some truth xD
hahax dats all
i slp in bus 9 pm reach kuantan~
dat all all bek home so tired
but i bek home stil bath watch mv N DOTA TIL 3 AM WITH chuen khui kairu tarzan
hahax v 5 sapu 2 round sianz than slp le~~~
next time hope can have a trip with my fren again kekex
i wan go sunway lagoon !now gt scream park !hear kayc say really nice!n 20minit in a scary park wowowow hahax so qi dai xD
next time take more pic but i duwan be host><
kk dats all bb~ now just start holiday
bred life~
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